1. Über die Jungschollenbevölkerung der deutschen Wattenküste der Nordsee;Bückmann;Berichte der Deutschen wissenschaftlichen Kommission für Meeresforschung,1934
2. On the importance of the Waddensea as a nursery area in relation to the conservation of the southern North Sea fishery resources;Zijlstra;Symposia of the Zoological Society of London,1972
3. Enige voorlopige resultaten van vijf jaar “Waddenzee-project”;Becker;Visserij,1974
4. On the nursery-aspects of the Waddensea for some commercial fish-species and possible long-term changes;Rauck;International Council for the Exploration of the Sea symposium on the changes in the North Sea fish stocks and their causes,1977
5. On the ecology of juvenile plaice on a tidal flat in the Wadden Sea;Kuipers;Netherlands Journal of Sea Research,1977