1. H. W. Nürnberg, Polarography and Voltammetry in Studies of Toxic Metals in Man and His Environment, Pure Appl. Chem. (in press).
2. H. W. Nürnberg, Potentialities and Applications of Advanced Polarographic and Voltammetric Methods in Aquatic and Marine Trace Metal Chemistry, Proc. Int. Symp. “Structure and Dynamics in Chemistry” Uppsala 1977, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 12, 270–307(1977).
3. B. Raspor, P. Valenta, H. W. Nürnberg, and M. Branica, The Chelation of Lead by Organic Ligands, Proceedings of the International Experts Discussion on the “Lead - Occurrence, Fate and Pollution in the Marine Environment”, Rovinj 1977, M. Branica and Z. Konrad (eds.), Pergamon Press, 1979,181–195.
4. L. Sipos, P. Valenta, H. W. Nürnberg, and M. Branica, Voltammetric Determination of the Stability Constants of the Predominant Labile Lead Complexes in Sea Water, Proceedings of the International Experts Discussion on the “Lead -Occurrence, Fate and Pollution in the Marine Environment”, Rovinj 1977, M. Branica and Z. Konrad (eds.), Pergamon Press, 1979, 61–76.
5. Determination of Levels of Toxic Trace Metals Dissolved in Sea Water and Inland Waters by Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry;Nürnberg;Thalassia jugosl.,1978