1. See CCETSW, Abstracts, (1977); DHSS, Personal Social Service Statistics, (1976); D. ELLIOTT and R. WALTON, Attitudes to residential training, Social Work Today, 13 Feb. (1978)
2. For example, CCETSW Paper No. 3, Social Work: Residential Work is Part of Social Work, 1973 Back numbers of Social Work Today, or Community Care also provide evidence of RCA, BASW and ADSS views.
3. The Warnock Committee report (Report of the Committee of Enquiry into the Education of Handicapped Children and Young People, HMSO, 1978, provides evidence of this in regard to the educational services, whilst the activities of the National Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders illustrates the point in regard to penal provision. The Jay Committee report (Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Menial Handicap Nursing and Care, HMSO, 1979 offers a similar comparison for health care in respect of group care services for the mentally handicapped.
4. A summary of these studies is to be found in MAYER, RICHMAN and BALCERAK, Group Care of Children, Child Welfare League of America, (1978)
5. Successful Group Care;WOLINS,1974