1. KÜCHEMANN, D., Aircraft shapes and their aerodynamics for flight at supersonic speeds. Paper for I.C.A.S. Conference, Zürich, (1960)
2. LOCK, R. C. and ROGERS, E. W. E., Aerodynamic design of swept wings and bodies for transonic speeds. Paper for I.C.A.S. Conference, Zürich, (1960)
3. PEARCEY, H. H., Shock-induced separation and its prevention by design and boundary layer control. Contribution to Boundary Layer and Flow Control (éd. G. V. LACHMANN) Pergamon Press (1960)
4. HAINES, A. B., HOLDER, D. W. and PEARCEY, H. H., Scale effects at high subsonic and transonic speeds, and methods for fixing boundary-layer transition in model experiments. ARC R and M 3012 (1954)
5. PEARCEY, H. H. and STUART, C. M., Methods of boundary-layer control for postponing and alleviating buffeting and other effects of shock-induced separation. IAS S.M.F. Fund Paper FF-22 June, 1959