1. Ainsworth, R.A., Neale, B.K., and Price, R.H., (1978) Proc. Int. Mech. Eng. Conf. on Tolerance of Flaws in Pressurised Components, London, May 1978, p.197.
2. ASTM-E399, (1970) Plane-strain fracture toughness of metallic materials, ASTM.
3. Begley, J.A., and Landes, J.D., (1972) ASTM STP 514, 1
4. Beremin, F.M., (1979), CSNI Specialist Meeting on Plastic Tearing Instability, CSNI Report No. 39, NRC Report NUREG/CP-0010, 39.
5. Bilby, B.A., (1973), 3rd Int. Conf. Fracture, XI, Verein Deutscher Eisenhüttenleute, Düsseldorf, PLl