1. Louisiana Summary, Agriculture and Natural Resources, pp. 5–22. Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 1995.
2. Food and Drug Administration, Safety and effectiveness data supporting the approval of minor use new animal drugs. Federal Register42:141: 42714–42717, 1979.
3. Food and Drug Administration, Minor use of animal drugs; Availability of guidelines. Federal Register51:104: 19612–19613, 1986.
4. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Veterinary Medicine Guidelines for the preparation and submission of data to satisfy the requirements of section 512 of the act regarding animal safety, effectiveness, human food safety, and environmental considerations for new animal drugs intended for a minor use. 21 CFR §514.1(D), 1986.
5. Food and Drug Administration, New animal drug applications; Safety and effectiveness data supporting the approval of minor use new animal drugs. Federal Register48:10: 1922–1929, 1983.