1. K.N. Clausen, ‘The European Spallation Source (ESS) Project’, ICANS-XV 15th Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources, Proceedings vol. 1, 6–9 November 2000, Tsukuba, Japan
2. Y. Oyama, S. Ikeda, JAERI-KEK Joint Project Team, ‘Status of Spallation Neutron Source Program in High Intensity Proton Accelerator Project’, ICANS-XV 15th Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources, Proceedings vol. 1, 6–9 November 2000, Tsukuba, Japan
3. T.E. Mason, T.A. Gabriel, R.K. Crawford, K.W. Herwig, F. Klose, J.F. Ankner, ‘The Spallation Neutron Source: A powerful tool for materials research’, in: 20th International Linac Conference, 21–25 August 2000, Monterey, California, published on the LANL e-print server
4. T.A. Gabriel, ‘An Overview of the SNS’, Published in the proceedings of the ‘Golden Anniversary’ of Nuclear Engineering at North Carolina State, Raleigh, NC, 2–4 December 2000
5. This section on pitting has been taken mostly from J.R. Haines et al., SNS Mercury Target Development, TSR-221, July 2002, and includes a few updates