1. Y. Ishikawa, Proceedings of the Fourth Meet. of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS-IV), KEK, Tsukuba, 20–24 October 1980, KEK, March 1981, p. 181
2. G. Russel, H. Robinson, G.L. Legate, R. Woods, E.R. Whitaker, A. Bridge, K.J. Hughes, R.D. Neef, Proceedings of the ICANS-IX, Villigen, 22–26 September 1986, SIN Villigen, July 1987, p. 177
3. Proceedings of the Second International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerator Technology, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, 20–23 September 1998;Cappiello,1998
4. T. Kawamura, Sumitomo Technical Report 3-146, 1995, p. 78
5. Radiation damage problems in high power spallation neutron sources