1. M.F. Osborne, R.A. Lorenz, Results of ORNL VI series fission product release tests, Proceedings of the 20th Water Reactor Safety Information Meeting, Bethesda, Maryland, 21–23 October, 1992
2. M.R. Kuhlman, D.J. Lehmicke, R.O. Meyer, CORSOR User's Manual, NUREG/CR- 4173, USNRC March, 1985.
3. D.S. Cox, Z. Liu, P.H. Elder, C.E.L. Hunt, V.I. Arimescu, Fission-product release kinetics from CANDU and LWR fuel during high-temperature steam oxidation experiments, presented at the IAEA Technical Meeting on Fission Gas Release and Fuel Rod Chemistry Related to Extended Burnup, Pembroke, Ontario, 28 April–1 May, 1992
4. D.S. Cox, Z. Liu, R.S. Dickson, P.H. Elder, Fission-product releases during post-irradiation annealing of high burnup CANDU fuel, presented at the Third International Conference on CANDU Fuel, Pembroke, Ontario, 4–8 October, 1992
5. Release Kinetics of Volatile Fission Products Under Severe Accident Conditions