1. C.E. Stevenson, The EBR-II Fuel Cycle Story, Am. Nucl. Soc., La Grange Park, Illinois, 1987
2. J.D.B. Lambert, J.H. Bottcher, R.V. Strain, K.C. Gross, M.J. Lee, J.P. Webb, R.P. Collins, S. Ukai, S. Normura, T. Odo, S. Shikaku, Run-beyond-cladding-breach oxide testing in EBR-II, International Conference on Fast Reactors Core and Fuel Structural Behavior, Inverness, Scotland, 4–6 June 1990, p. 17
3. Behavior of mixed-oxide fuel elements during an overpower transient
4. J.D.B. Lambert, W.K. Lehto, J.I. Sackett, D.J. Hill, H.P. Planchon, R.W. Lindsay, EBR-II Test Programs, International Fast Reactor Safety Meeting III, Snowbird, Utah, 12–16 August 1990, p. 181
5. The Integral Fast Reactor