1. NSF, Civil Infrastructure Systems Research: Strategic Issues, A Report of the Civil Infrastructure Systems Task Group (January 1993).
2. NSF, Civil Infrastructure Systems: An Integrative Research Program, Program Announcement and Guidelines, National Science Foundation (March 1995).
3. WEF, Existing Sewer Evaluation and Rehabilitation, WEF Manuals of Practice FD-6, ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice, No. 62, Alexandria, VA (1994).
4. EPA Handbook: Sewer System Infrastructure Analysis and Rehabilitation, EPA/625/6-91/030 (October 1991).
5. T. Iseley, D.M. Abraham, S. Gokhale, Condition Assessment of Sewer Systems, ASCE Conference on Trenchless Pipeline Projects, MA (1997) (to appear).