1. John Pinkerton An Enquiry into the History of Scotland I 1789 xlvi 2 vols. London
John Pinkerton An Enquiry into the History of Scotland I 1789 123 2 vols. London
2. Among many notable contributions see for example
M. Lynch Scotland. A New History 1991 247 262 on the rise of the lairds
D. Stevenson The Scottish Revolution 1637–1644 1973 Newton Abbott
K.M. Brown Courtiers and Cavaliers: Service, Anglicisation and Loyalty among the Royalist Nobility
J.S. Morrill The Scottish National Covenant in its British Context, 1638–1651
1990 155 192 on Scottish affairs, and, perhaps most intriguingly
H.R. Trevor-Roper Scotland and the Puritan Revolution Religion, the Reformation and Social Change
1967 392 444 on the emergence of tolerant and forward-looking politicians such as Swinton, Leighton and Dalrymple in the 1650s