On constitutive relations at finite strain: Hypo-elasticity and elasto-plasticity with isotropic or kinematic hardening


Atluri Satya N.


Elsevier BV


Computer Science Applications,General Physics and Astronomy,Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Computational Mechanics

Reference21 articles.

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1. Numerical implementation of the hypoplastic model for SPH analysis of soil structure development in extremely large deformation;Computers and Geotechnics;2024-02

2. Simulating body deformations with initial stresses using Hooke‐like isotropic hypoelasticity models based on corotational stress rates;ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik;2023-10-09

3. Stress integration scheme for coupled elasto-plastic materials in a hypoelasto-plastic framework;International Journal of Solids and Structures;2023-03

4. Comparative Analysis and Verification of Objective Algorithms;Objective Algorithms for Integrating Hypoelastic Constitutive Relations Based on Corotational Stress Rates;2023

5. A sequential investigation of the residual stresses and strains influence on the buckling of cold-formed thin-walled members;Thin-Walled Structures;2022-11








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