1. The stabilization of plasma flow in channels in the presence of a transverse magnetic field;Brushlinskiĭ,1964
2. The stabilization of quasi-one-dimensional plasma flow in a profiled channel;Brushlinskiĭ;Isv. AN SSSR, ser. mekhan.,1965
3. The two-dimensional steady-state flow of high conducting plasma in a coaxial system;Brushlinskii;Isv. AN SSSR, ser. mekhan. zhidkosti i gaza,1966
4. The computation of two-dimensional time-dependent flows of plasma with finite conductivity in the presence of the Hall effect;Brushlinskiĭ;Magnitnaya gidrodinamika,1967
5. The influence of finite conductivity on the two-dimensional plasma flow in a coaxial channel;Brushlinskiĭ;Magnitnaya gidrodinamika,1967