1. B. Price, The Arthur Negus Guide to English Pottery and Porcelain, London, 1982, pp. 99–109.
2. G. Savage, H. Newman, An Illustrated Dictionary of Ceramics, London, 1985, pp. 88.
3. Wikipedia: Wedgwood, 2010.
4. Mateja Kos, Keramika, v: Gradovi minevajo, fabrike nastajajo, Industrijsko oblikovanje v 19. stoletju na Slovenskem/Ceramics, in: Castles are crumbling, and factories rising, Industrial Design in the 19th Century in Slovenia, Ljubljana, 1991, pp. 33–42, 173–9.
5. B.M. Favetta, La ceramica triestina, Trieste, 1994.