1. A Glossary of Literary Terms;Abrams,2013
2. Lion King;Allers,1994
3. Amini, F., Riche, N.H., Lee, B., Hurter, C., Irani, P., 2015. Understanding Data Videos: Looking at Narrative Visualisation through the Cinematography Lens, In: CHI ’15: Proc. of the 33rd Annu. ACM Conf. on Hum. Factors in Comput. Systems, pp. 1459-1468. doi:10.1145/2702123.2702431.
4. Artist unknown,, Beaudouin, Valérie., 2017. http://www.lecturejeunesse.org/articles/comment-les-amateurs-parlent-ils-de-cinema-sur-le-web, 2017. (accessed 03 November 2020).
5. Artist unknown,, Garréta, Anne F., 2017. https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2017/12/11/states-of-desire-an-interview-with-anne-garreta, (accessed 03 November 2020).