1. Gerlach OH. Analyse van een mogelijke methode voor het meten van prestaties en stabiliteits- en besturingseigenschappen van een vliegtuig in niet stationaire, symmetrische vluchten (Analysis of a possible method for the measurement of performance and stability and control characteristics in non-steady symmetrical flight). Report VTH-117, Delft University of Technology, Department of Aerospace Engineering, November 1964.
2. Gerlach OH. Determination of performance and stability parameters from non-steady flight test manoeuvres. SAE Paper 700236, National business aircraft meeting, Wichita, Kansas, 1970.
3. Gerlach, OH. Determination of stability derivatives and performance characteristics from non-steady flight test manoeuvres. AGARD CP-85, Toulouse, 1971. Also as Report VTH-163, Delft University of Technology, Department of Aerospace Engineering, 1971.
4. Jonkers HL. Application of the Kalman filter to flight path reconstruction from flight test data including estimation of instrumental bias error corrections. Report VTH-162, Delft University of Technology, Department of Aerospace Engineering, February 1976.
5. Jonkers HL, Mulder JA. Accuracy limits in nonsteady flight testing. ICAS Paper No. 76-46, The Tenth Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Ottawa, October 1976.