1. Morgan MB, Thomas HHBM. Control surface design in theory and practice. RAeS J, 1945. p. 431–510.
2. Morgan MB, Bethwaite CF, Nivison J. Spring-tab controls—notes on development to date, with special reference to design aspects. Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, Report No. Aero 1972, September 1944. 89pp.
3. Morris DE. Designing to avoid dangerous behavior of an aircraft due to the effects on control hinge moments of ice on the leading edge of the fixed surface. ARC C.P. No. 66, Royal Aeronautical Establishment, 1947. 10pp.
4. Toll TA. Summary of lateral-control research. NACA-TR-868, 1947. 74pp. (also published as NACA TN No. 1245).
5. Glauert H. Theoretical relationships for an aerofoil with hinged flap. Aeronautical Research Council, R. & M. No. 1095, 1927. 15pp.