1. Singh, J.; Zhou, N.; Hategan, G.; Zeller, W.; Polozov, A.; Goldsmith, M.; Krohn, M.; Anderson, H.; Mishra, R.; Zhang, J.; Onua, E.; Ramirez, J.; Palsdottir, G.; Halldorsdottir, G.; Andresson, T.; Gurney, M. 230th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, Aug 28–Sept 1, 2005. MEDI (Abstract #250).
2. Singh, J.; Zeller, W.; Zhou, N.; Hategen, G.; Mishra, R.; Polozov, A.; Yu, P.; Onua, E.; Zhang, J.; Ramírez, J.; Sigthorsson, G.; Thorsteinnsdottir, M.; Kiselyov, A.; Zembower, D.; Andrésson, Þ.; Gurney, M., J. Med. Chem. 2009, Accepted.
3. We have generated a six-point pharmacophore for the EP3 receptor. Strategies utilized in the development of this pharmacophore will be reported in a forthcoming disclosure, being submitted to J. Chem. Int. Model.
4. Heterocyclic 1,7-disubstituted indole sulfonamides are potent and selective human EP3 receptor antagonists