1. Argonne Code Center, 1977. Benchmark Problem Book. Technical Report ANL-7416, Supplement 1. Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States). https://inis.iaea.org/collection/NCLCollectionStore/_Public/05/100/5100000.pdf (DOI n.a.).
2. Argonne Code Center, 1977. Benchmark Problem Book. Technical Report ANL-7416, Supplement 2. Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States). Link: https://corephysics.com/benchmarks/anl7416_benchmark11.pdf (DOI n.a.).
3. Babcsány, B., Fehér, S., Pós, I., 2015. Hybrid finite element solution of the simplified P3 equations. In: Proceedings of the 25th Symposium of Atomic Energy Research (AER), Balatongyörök (Hungary), 13–16 October 2015, vol 1, p. 535. Link: http://www.aer-web.com/paper/723 (related presentation) (DOI n.a., ISBN 978-963-7351-25-9).
4. Babcsány, B., Bartók, T., Kis, D.P., 2019. Finite element solution of the time-dependent SP3 equations using an implicit integration scheme. In: Proceedings of the 29th Symposium of Atomic Energy Research (AER), Mochovce (Slovakia), 14–18 October 2019, vol II., p. 331. Link: http://www.aer-web.com/2019/paper/79 (DOI n.a., ISBN 978-963-7351-33-4).
5. The simplified P3 approximation;Brantley;Nuclear Science and Engineering,2000