1. CERN/LHCC 94-38 LHCC/P1, The Compact Muon Solenoid, Technical Proposal, December 1994.
2. CERN/LHCC 97-33, CMS TDR 4, The Electro-magnetic Calorimeter Project, Technical Design Report, 15. December 1997.
3. F. Cavallari, CMS Conference Report 1997/010, Progress on avalanche photo-diodes as photon detectors for PbWO4 crystals in the CMS experiment.
4. M. Fabrice Gautheron, These de doctorat No. 13097, Etudes de cristaux scintillants de tungstate de plomb et de prototypes de calorimètre électromagnétique pour le project CMS au LHC, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, 1997.
5. C.J. Purves, CMS Technical Note 1996/006, New values for electron/charged-pion Discrimination from the '95 CMS Electro-magnetic Calorimeter Prototype.