1. D.C. Kocher, Nuclear decay data for radionuclides occuring in routine releases from nuclear fuel cycle facilities, Report ORNL/NUREG/TM 102, 1977.
2. E. Browne, J.M. Dairiki, R.E. Doebler, (principal authors), in: C.M. Lederer, V.S. Shirley (Eds), A.A. Shihab-Eldin, L.J. Jardine, J.K. Tuli, A.B. Buyrn, (authors), Table of Isotopes, 7th ed., Wiley, New York, 1978.
3. The Gamma Rays of the Radionuclides;Erdtmann,1979
4. A.L. Nichols, M.F. James, Radioactive heavy element decay data for reactor calculations, Report AEEW-R 1407, December 1981.
5. U. Reus, W. Westmeier, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 29 (1983) 1, 205.