1. T. Gozani, Nuclear based techniques for cargo inspection – a review, Proc. Contraband and Cargo Inspection Technology International Symp., The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1992, p. 9.
2. G. Vourvopoulos, Techniques for detecting explosives and contraband, Chemistry and Industry, April 1994, p. 298.
3. A-711 Generator made by MF Physics Corp, 5074 List Drive, Colorado Springs, 80919.
4. M.J. Hurwitz et al., Detection of illicit drugs in cargo containers using pulsed fast neutron analysis, Proc. Contraband and Cargo Inspection Technology International Symp., The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1992, p. 29.
5. Integrated Detectors and Electronics A/s, Veritasveien 9, N-1322, Hovik, Norway.