1. Position-sensitive detector with microstrip anode for electron multiplication with gases
2. The development of gas microstrip detectors for high energy physics applications
3. R. Bouclier, M. Capeans, G. Manzin, G. Million, L. Ropelewski, F. Sauli, L.I. Shekhtman, T. Temmel, G. Della Mea, G. Maggioni, V. Rigato, CERN Report, CERN-PPE/95-37.
4. J.E. Bateman, J.F. Connolly, Yu.N. Pestov, L.I. Shekhtman, R. Mutikainen, I. Suni, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Report, RAL-94-114.
5. J.E. Bateman, J.F. Connolly, G.E. Derbyshire, D.M. Duxbury, J. Lipp, J.A. Mir, R. Stephenson, J.E. Simmons, E.J. Spill, Studies of the gain properties of gas microstrip detectors relevant to their application as X-ray detectors, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Report, RAL-TR-1999-057 (http://www-dienst.rl.ac.uk/library/1999/tr/raltr-1999057.pdf).