1. L. Periale, et al., Detection of the primary scintillation light from dense Ar, Kr and Xe with novel photosensitive gaseous detectors, Preprint CERN-XX-2001, Los Alamos Preprints: Physics/0106048 and Physics 0106070: June 2001.
2. V. Peskov, Gaseous detectors with solid photocathodes CERN Yellow Report 97-06 (1997) 48.
3. A. Sharma, Gaseous micropattern detectors in Astrophysics, Radiology and Plasma Physics, IEEE Nucl. Sci., 2001, to be published.
4. First attempts to combine capillary tubes with photocathodes
5. V. Peskov, et al., The study and optimization of new micropattern detectors for high rate applications, IEEE Nucl. Sci., 2001, to be published.