1. S.V. Milton et al., FEL Development at the APS: The APS SASE FEL, in: Harold E. Bennett, David H. Dowell (Eds.), Free-Electron Laser Challenges II, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3614, (1999), pp. 86-95; the VISA Collaboration (BNL, LANL, LLNL, SLAC, UCLA), VISA Proposal, Proposal for a SASE-Free-Electron Laser Experiment, VISA, at the ATF linac, April 1998; A VUV Free Electron Laser at the TESLA Test Facility at DESY: Conceptual Design Report, DESY Print, TESLA-FEL 95-03, June 1995; LCLS Design Study Group, Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) Design Study Report, SLAC-R-521.
2. Generation of XUV light by resonant frequency tripling in a two-wiggler FEL amplifier
3. Generation of intense uv radiation by subharmonically seeded single-pass free-electron lasers
4. Nonlinear theory of short-wavelength free-electron lasers
5. S.G. Biedron, H.P. Freund, S.V. Milton, 3D FEL code for the simulation of a high-gain harmonic generation experiment, in: Harold E. Bennett, David H. Dowell (Eds.), Free-Electron Laser Challenges II, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3614 (1999) pp. 96–108.