1. ECAL CMS Technical Design Report Electromagnetic Calorimeter, 14 December 1997.
2. Beam tests of lead tungstate crystal matrices and a silicon strip preshower detector for the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter
3. P. Lecoq, in: Yin Zhiwen, Li Peijun, Feng Xiqi, Xue Zhilin (Eds.), Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications, CAS, Shanghai Branch Publishers, September 1997, p. 13.
4. A. Annenkov, V. Kostilev, V. Ligun, M. Korzhik, P. Lecoq, in: Yin Zhiwen, Li Peijun, Feng Xiqi, Xue Zhilin (Eds.), Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications, CAS, Shanghai Branch Publishers,, September 1997, p. 362.
5. Response of a PbWO/sub 4/-scintillator array to electrons in the energy regime below 1 GeV