1. The JHF-Kamioka neutrino project, KEK report 2001-4, ICRR-report-477-2001-7, TRI-PP-01-05, hep-ex/0106019.
2. The CERN neutrino beam to Gran Sasso CERN 98-02, INFN/AE-98/05.
3. E. Ables, et al. [MINOS Collaboration], P-875: A Long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment at Fermilab, FERMILAB-PROPOSAL-P-875
4. The MINOS Detectors Technical Design Report, NuMI-L-337, October 1998.
5. A. Rubbia, Talk Presented at the IX International Workshop on Neutrino Telescope, Venice, March 2001; hep-ph/0106088.