1. K.M. Spicer, S. Baron, G.D. Frey, G. Blanpied, D. Adcock, S.E. Davis, J.R. Frysenger, D.C. McLean Jr., Evaluation of medical radionuclide production with the accelerator production of tritium (APT) facility, Medical University of South Carolina Final Report, July 15, 1997.
2. J.C. Browne, J.L. Anderson, M.W. Cappiello, G.P. Lawrence, P.W. Lisowski, Status of the accelerator production of tritium (APT) project, in: F.T. Avignone, T.A. Gabriel (Eds.), Proceedings of the APT Symposium, The Savannah River Accelerator project and Complementary Spallation Neutron Sources, University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA, May 14–15, 1996, World Scientific, Singapore, 1998, p. 14.
3. S.J. Adelstein, in: F.J. Manning (Eds.), Isotopes for Medicine and Life Sciences, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1995.
4. K.A. Van Riper, S.G. Mashnik, M.B. Chadwick, M. Herman, A.J. Koning, E.J. Pitcher, A.J. Sierk, G.J. Van Tuyle, L.S. Waters, W.B. Wilson, APT medical isotope production study: 18F and 131I production, Los Alamos Report LA-UR-97-5068, 1997; http://t2.lanl.lanl.gov/publications/publications.html.
5. W. Gudowski, in: M.Kh. Khankhasaev, Zh. B. Kurmanov, H.S. Plendl, (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Nuclear Methods for Transmutation of Nuclear Wastes: Problems, Perspectives, Cooperative Research, Dubna, Russia, May 29–31, 1996, World Scientific, Singapore, 1997, p. 3, references therein, and following papers in these proceedings.