1. Pure avalanche mode operation of a 2 mm gap resistive plate chamber
2. R. Cardarelli, R. Santonico, V. Makeev, The avalanche to streamer transition in RPC's, 3rd Int. Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, Pavia, Oct. 1995, Scientifica Acta Anno XI, XI, (1) (1995) 11.
3. A new type of resistive plate chamber: The multigap RPC
4. Latest results from the multigap resistive plate chamber
5. V.V. Ammosov, V.A. Gapienko, V.F. Konstantinov, Yu.M. Sviridov, V.G. Zaets, Beam Study of the charge properties of some RPC modifications, ATLAS Int. Note MUON-NO-211, August 1997.