1. Conceptual design of a 500GeV e+e− linear collider with integrated X-ray laser facility, DESY 1997-048, ECFA 1997-182.
2. Zeroth-order design report for the next linear collider, LBNL-PUB-5424, SLAC Report 474, UCRL-ID-124161, May 1996.
3. Research and development toward a 4.5−1.5 Å linac coherent light source (LCLS) at SLAC
4. A VUV free electron laser at the TESLA test facility at DESY
5. Ya.S. Derbenev, J. Rossbach, E.L. Saldin, V.D. Shiltsev, Microbunch radiative tail-head interaction, DESY Print, TESLA-FEL 95-05, Hamburg, 1995.