1. The BELLE Collaboration, A study of CP Violation in B-meson Decays, Technical Design Report, KEK report 95-1, April 1995.
2. M.H. Lee, The CsI(Tl) E.M. Calorimeter for the BELLE experiment at KEK, in: Proc. VI Int. Conf. on Calorimetry in High-Energy Physics, Frascati, July 1996, to appear.
3. The BELLE Collaboration, BELLE Progress Report, KEK Progress Report 96-1, March 1996.
4. K. Kazui et al., BELLE Note 119/TIT-HPE-96-3,1996; A. Watanabe et al., BELLE Note 120.efc.
5. S.K. Sahu et al., BELLE Note 143, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, submitted.