1. Bases of Discussion Drawn up by the Preparatory Committee, League of Nations Doc C.74.M.39.1929.V (L.N. Pub. No. 1929.V.2.) p 65 and 72.
2. I. Nationality
3. Repiy of the USSR to the Questions Drawn up by the Preparatory Committee, League of Nations Doc C.74(b).M.39(b).1929.V (L.N. Pub. 1929.V.13) p3.
4. Reply of the United States to the Questionnaire of the Preparatory Committee, League of Nations Doc C.74.M.39.1929.V (L.N. Pub. No. 1929.V.2) pp 66 and 73. During the Conference, the US delegate further dwelled on this point: ‘(T)he right of innocent passage as a matter of right does not extend to warships. It is ordinarily granted that the right of innocent passage is primarily in favor of Commerce, and … so far as warships are concerned, the question is wholly one of usage and comity of nations. A coastal State is, therefore, quite within its competence, at any rate as regards part of its coastal water… if it says that the right of innocent passage for warships does not exist there’. See 6th Meeting of the Second Committee on Territorial Waters of the Conference for the Codification of International Law, League of Nations Doc C.351(b).1930.V (L.N. Pub. No. 1930.V.16) p59.