1. ANSI/IEEE, 1978. IEEE Standard Seismic Testing of Relays. C37.98.
2. ANSYS, 1992. ANSYS User’s Manual for Revision 5.0. Swanson Analysis Systems, Inc., Houston, PA.
3. Bandyopadhyay, K.K., Hofmayer, C.H., 1986. Seismic Fragility of Nuclear Power Plant Components (Phase I). NUREG/CR-4659, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
4. Formulas for Natural Frequency and Mode Shape;Blevins,1979
5. Budnitz, R.J., Lambert, H.E., Hill, E.E., 1987. Relay Chatter and Operator Response after a Large Earthquake. NUREG/CR-4910, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.