1. Aarts, B., 2001. English Syntax and Argumentation, second ed. (Modern Linguistic Series). Palgrave, Hampshire, xiii + 312 pp., ISBN 0-333-94986-2.
2. Ackerman, F., Moore, J., 2001. Photo-Properties and Grammatical Encoding. A Correspondence Theory of Argument Selection (Stanford Monographs in Linguistics). CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA, ix + 197 pp., $18.95, ISBN 1-57586-166-6.
3. Aikhenvald, A.Y., Dixon, R.M.W. (Eds.), 2001. Areal Diffusion and Genetic Inheritance Problems in Comparative Linguistics (Oxford Linguistics). Oxford University Press, Oxford, xvi + 453 pp., £60.00, ISBN 0-19-829981-8.
4. Ballard, K., 2001. The Frameworks of English. Introducing Language Structures. Palgrave, Hampshire, xii + 301 pp., ISBN 0-333-65913-9.
5. Blake, B.J., 2001. Case, second ed., (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, xx + 227 pp., ISBN 0-521-01491-3.