1. Solvärmecentralen i Studsvik, Resultat 1980 (Solar heating central results 1980);Perers;Studsvik AB, Sweden, STUDSVIK/EI-80/141,1980
2. The effects of thermal capacitance upon the performance of flat plate solar collectors;Klein,1973
3. Vindens inflytande pȧ oglasade solfȧngare respektive solfȧngare med konvektionshinder (Wind influence for unglazed collectors and collectors with convection suppressing glazing);Walletun;Studsvik Energy, Sweden, STUDSVIK/ED-65/15,1986
4. The Södertörn solar district heating test plant;Perers,1987
5. Performance testing of unglazed collectors, wind and long wave radiation influence;Perers,1987