1. Thermodynamic Stability of Hydrates for Ethane, Ethylene, and Carbon Dioxide
2. G. Rehder, S.H. Kirby, W.B. Durham, P.G. Brewer, L. Stern, E.T. Peltzer, J. Pinkston, Eos Trans. AGU, 47 ed., vol. 82, Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract B12B-0118, 2001.
3. L.A. Stern, E.T. Peltzer, S.H. Kirby, P.G. Brewer, S. Circone, G. Rehder, Eos Trans. AGU, 47 ed., vol. 83, Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract OS21B-0216, 2002.
4. B. Kvamme, in: Proceedings of the Recent Advances in Marine Science and Technology 2000, Honolulul, Hawaii, pp. 279–289.
5. Gas Hydrate Formation in the Deep Sea: In Situ Experiments with Controlled Release of Methane, Natural Gas, and Carbon Dioxide