1. CMA Engineers, Inc. August, 1992, “Research and Development, NHDES Approval Application for the New Hampshire Bottom Ash Paving Demonstration, Laconia, NH,” Portsmouth, NH.
2. The New Hampshire Bottom Ash Paving Demonstration, US Route 3, Laconia, New Hampshire;Musselman,1994
3. The Utilization of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom Ash as Paving Materials;Zhang,1993
4. Rojac Environmental Services, Inc., July, 1993, “Research Emissions Test Report, Pike Industries, Inc., Asphalt Batch Plant P-700, Pembroke, New Hampshire”, Hartford, CT.
5. Interim Report, Bottom Ash Utilization Evaluation for the Concord, New Hampshire Waste-to-Energy Facility;Eighmy,1992