1. Anonymous, 1937a. International Conference to discuss the recommendations made by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea at its Annual Meeting in 1934 regarding the control of fishing by regulation of the mesh and of size limits for fish, held in London, 23–28 November 1936. Report of proceedings, IFC 1937/1.
2. Anonymous, 1937b. International Conference on mesh regulations and size limits for fish for the purpose of making an international Convention for the regulation of the meshes of fishing nets and size limits for fish, held in London, 17–23 March 1937. Report of proceedings, S>C, Wt 12732-200-5/37 (5).
3. Anonymous, 1946. International Conference on Overfishing, London, March 1946. Report of proceedings.
4. On the dynamics of exploited fish populations;Beverton;London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office,1957
5. COM, 2009. COM(2009)163 final. GREEN PAPER on the reform of the common fisheries policy.