1. Papyrus Ani BM 10.470;Dondelinger,1978
2. L.S. Dodd 〚trans〛 (1998) cf. F. Abitz, Pharao als Gott in den Unterweltsbüchern des Neuen Reiches, No. 146, Orbis biblicus et orientalis, Universitätsverlag, Freiburg, 1995. And Hornung E., Der ägyptische Mythos von der Himmelskuh: Eine Ätiologie des Unvolkommenen. Second ed. 1991
3. The Pelizaeus-Museum, in: A. Eggebrecht (Ed.), Pelizaeus-Museum, Hildesheim: The Egyptian Collection, Phillip von Zabern, Mainz, 1996, Fig. 78, small gold on silver amulet, 8.65 cm
4. Mathaf al-Misr-i, Egyptian treasures from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. 1999, F. Tiradritti, Editor. H. N. Abrams, New York. Statuette of Maat: CG38707, 362, far left, 36 cm high, limestone with gilding, Ptolemaic 304-30 BC; Isis nursing Horus, JE91327, 362, left, gilded bronze, 22.1 cm high, Late Period, 712–332 BC; Saqqara; Inlaid statue of Nefertum, 363, possibly JE39483, 46.5 cm high, bronze with remnants of possible blue inlay in lotus blossom on head; Statue of a kneeling king holding a wedjat eye, JE91436, 26 cm high, Saqqara; Late Period, 712–332 BC; the kilt and wedjat eye and white crown are gilt. And also JE94436, 26 cm complete: 359