1. China NNSA, 1991. Code on the Safety of Nuclear Power Plant Design. HAF0200(91).
2. USNRC, 1977. Inservice Inspection of Prestressed Concrete Containment Structures with Grouted Tendons. RG 1.90 (Rev. 1).
3. France EDF, 1980. Design and Construction Rules for Civil Works of PWR Nuclear Islands. RCC-G.
4. China CNPC, 1996. Code for Prestresed Concrete Containment Design of Nuclear Power Plant with Pressurized Water Reactors. EJ/T 926-1995 (in Chinese).
5. Russia ENTEK, 1993. Regulations for the Arrangement and Operation of Localizing Safety Systems at Nuclear Power Plant. PNAE G-10-021-90 (English Version).