1. Batzel, R.E., 1959. Radioactivity associated with underground nuclear explosions. Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Report UCRL-5623.
2. Blankennagel, R.K., Weir Jr., J.E., 1973. Geohydrology of the eastern part of Pahute Mesa, Nevada test site, Nye County, Nevada. US Geological Survey, Professional Paper 712-B.
3. Borg, I.Y., Stone, R., Levy, H.B., Ramspott, L.D., 1976. Information pertinent to the migration of radionuclides in groundwater at the Nevada test site, Part 1: review and analysis of existing information. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-52078 Part 1.
4. Bowen, S.M., Finnegan, D.L., Thompson, J.L., Miller, C.M., Baca, P.L., Olivas, L.F., Geoffrion, C.G., Smith, D.K., Goishi, W., Esser, B.K., Meadows, J.W., Namboodiri, N., Wild, J.F., 2001. Nevada test site radionuclide inventory, 1951–1992. Los Alamos National Laboratory, LA-13859-MS.
5. Federal Facilities Agreement and Consent Order, 1996 (as amended). Agreed to by the State of Nevada, the US Department of Energy, and the US Department of Defense.