1. Changes in human blood preserved for transfusion. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., 40:126, 1939. (With DeGowin, E. L., and Plass, E. D.)
2. Studies on preserved human blood: I. Various factors influencing hemolysis. J.A.M.A., 114:850, 1940. (With DeGowin, E. L., and Plass, E. D.)
3. Studies on preserved human blood: II. Diffusion of potassium from the erythrocytes during storage. J.A.M.A., 114:855, 1940. (With DeGowin, E. L., and Plass, E. D.)
4. Studies on preserved human blood: III. Toxicity of blood with high plasma potassium transfused into human beings. J.A.M.A., 114:858, 1940. (With DeGowin, E. L., and Hardin, R. C.)
5. A modified silver cobaltinitrite method for potassium determination. J. Biol. Chem., 136:619, 1940.