1. W. de Baere, J. Debaisieux, E. de Wolf, P. Dufour, J. Grard, P. Grard, P. Herquet, J. Heughebaert, P. Peeters, F. Verbeure, E. Windmoders, G. Bassompierre, G. Charriere, D. Drijard, W. Dunwoodie, A. Eskreys, A. Grant, Y. Goldschmidt-Clermont, V. Henri, B. Jongejans, D. Linglin, F. Muller, H. Muirhead, J.M. Perreau, L. Pape, H. Piotroewska, I. Saitov, Z. Sekera and J. Tuominiemi, CERN/D. Ph. II/PHYS 72-31.
2. Partial-Wave Analysis of the3πDecay of theA2
3. Failure ofs-Channel Helicity Conservation inA1−Production
4. Birmingham-Brussels-CERN-Mons-Paris-Saclay Collaboration, K∗ and N∗ production in the K0pπ+ final state at K+ incoming momenta of 5, 8.2 and 16 GeV/c, in preparation.