1. H. Yoshiki, private communication; to be published.
2. I. Budagov, D.C. Cundy, C. Franzinetti, W.B. Fretter, H.W.K. Hopkins, C. Manfredotti, G. Myatt, F.A. Nezrick, M. Nikolic, T.B. Novey, R.B. Palmer, J.B.M. Pattison, D.H. Perkins, C.A. Ramm, B. Roe, R. Stump, W. Venus, H.W. Wachsmuth and H. Yoshiki, Nuovo Cimento, to be published;
3. Talk at the topical conf. on weak interactions;Franzinetti,1969
4. Possible Resonances in Weak Interactions and Test of the Intermediate Boson Hypothesis of tanikawa and Watanabe
5. Fermi Interaction Caused by Intermediary Chiral Boson