1. Durridge 2000. RAD7 User manual, version 2000-04-01.
2. IEC, 2000. IEC 61577-2 Standard: radiation protection instrumentation – radon and radon decay product measuring instruments – Part 2: specific requirements for radon measuring instruments.
3. ISO/IEC, 2007. ISO/IEC guide 99:2007: international vocabulary of metrology—basic and general concepts and associated terms (VIM).
4. ISO/IEC, 2008. ISO/IEC guide 98-3:2008: uncertainty of measurement—Part 3: guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995).
5. ISO, 2010. ISO 11929 Standard: determination of the characteristic limits (decision threshold, detection limit, and limits of the confidence interval) for ionising radiation measurements—fundamentals and applications.