1. With minor exceptions, everything in this article that refers to psychiatists and their patients would also apply to psychologists, social workers, and other psychotherapists and their clients
2. In re Lifschutz, 2 Cal.3d 415; 85 Cal.Rptr.929, 467 P.2nd 557 (1970)
3. In most states the physician-patient privilege laws provide no protection of confidentiality if the patient is involved in a criminal proceeding. A minority of states have additional psychotherapist-patient privilege laws that usually protect patients in psychotherapy confidential communications even in criminal proceedings unless the patient places his mental state in issue
4. In re Lifschutz, note 2, supra; Caesar v. Mountanos, 542 F.2d 1064 (9th Cir. 1976)
5. ln re Lifschutz, note 2, supra. “Fishing expeditions” were sometimes done in the hope of uncovering some type of derogatory information against a litigant that could be used to coerce a settlement or withdrawal of the litigation.