1. Axensalva, J., Benda, V., Herblin, L., Lamboy, J-P., Tovar-Gonzalez, A. and Vullierme B., Cryogenic Infrastructure for Testing of LHC Series Superconducting Magnets Paper presented at this conference
2. Momal, F., Bienvenu, D., Brahy, Lavielle, D., Saban, R., Vullierme, B., Walckiers, L., A Control System based on industrial Components for Measuring and Testing the Prototype Magnets for LHC, CERN-AT Department, CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland
3. A Warm Bore Anticryostat for Series Magnetic Measurements of LHC Superconducting Dipole and Short Straight Section Magnets, 2003;Dunkel,2003