1. Regulatory announcement: Direct final rulemaking revising mobile source air toxics early credit technology requirement. EPA420-F-08-007, February 2008. http://www.epa.gov/oms/regs/toxics/420f08007.htm.
2. Rules and Regulations. Federal Register, 2008; 73 (49) (Wednesday, March 12).
3. R.E. Palmer, R. Shipman, S. Kao, Options for reducing benzene in the refinery gasoline pool, ACS, Petroleum Division Annual Meeting San Diego (3/8-11/2008), AM-08-10.
4. R.F. Coldwell, Benzene in gasoline, Regulation & remedies, Process, Engineering Associates LLC, 2008, http://www.processengr.com/ppt_presentations/msat_regulation_options.pdf.
5. V. Nispel, D. Varraveto, How refineries meet the new EPA benzene regulations, Burns & Mc Donnell, Engineering, Architecture, Construction, Environmental and Consulting Solutions, 2008, http://www.knod.us/videos/benzenepodcast/BenzeneWebinarPresentation.pdf.