1. AnyLogic 4.0 User Manual, Available from http://www.xjtek.com/products/anylogic/40/.
2. J. Astrom, H. Emqvist, S.E. Mattson, Evolution of continuous-time modeling and simulation, in: Proceedings of the 12th European Simulation Multiconference (ESM’98), Manchester, UK, 1998.
3. A.V. Borshchev, Yu.B. Kolesov, Yu.B. Senichenkov, Java engine for UML-based hybrid state machines, in: Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2000 (WSC’00), 10–13 December, Orlando, FL, USA, 2000.
4. IEEE P1516, Standard [for] Modeling and Simulation (M&S) High Level Architecture (HLA)—High Level Architecture Rules.
5. IEEE P1516.1, Standard [for] Modeling and Simulation (M&S) High Level Architecture (HLA)—Federate Interface Specification.